Monday, February 22, 2010

Is it March yet???

I am ready for Spring!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Birthday and Snow!!!

Here are some belated snow pictures.

And . . .
Today was Isaiah's 7th birthday.  I cannot believe how big he is getting.  I'm always telling him to stop growing.  He always laughs. He has such a sweet spirit and is so eager to please his parents, his teachers, and God.

  I pray that the Lord will keep his heart tender and that he will always want to please Jesus.  I pray that he will not seek to please others of this world, but keep his focus on the only ONE who matters.  I pray the Lord's blessing and hand on my first born son.  Amen.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I've come to the conclusion that once a week is about as often as I can post.  I guess I was a bit over zealous when I thought I would write 3 times a week.
 Anyway, these past 2 weeks, I've been overwhelmed by the peace of Christ. And it is such a welcome change. This month -- actually this entire year -- has been REALLY stressful with homeschooling and managing all of the other responsibilities that come with being a wife and mother.  I have spent almost every day praying over my homeschooling decisions and second guessing everything about my parenting.  For a long time, my husband was the only one who I told about these struggles.  I think I was about to drive him crazy!  Finally, I broke down and started letting others know that I was really struggling.  I started with my family members and then asked my life group at church to pray and lastly shared with some other homeschooling moms.  Since I've opened up with people in my life and asked my sisters in Christ to pray for me, the difference has been AMAZING.  I cannot   begin to explain the change in my attitude, and my ability to organize, and change old habits.  I'm getting my kids to do things at home that I never thought were possible.  It is ALL God -- I can take NONE of the credit.  It's not perfect, but it's 100 times better than before. And for the first time in about a year, I'm starting to feel a peace again.  I have really missed that feeling.   I am so thankful to everyone who has prayed for me and given me advice. This post is not really about homeschooling, but about humbling myself and allowing God to use others to encourage, inspire, and help me.  I guess I'm not very good at that, I'm learning to be better.  I am so glad that our heavenly Father is so patient and faithful -- because I am a slow learner :)