Thursday, May 19, 2011

Small steps

I almost did not post this.  I almost gave up on blogging AGAIN. . . but I was reading a friend's blog and saw the link to my blog with the caption "Welcome 2011" . . . how embarrassing. . . . I really didn't want to have to look at that every time I got on her blog.  So, I'm not promising this won't be my last post, but at least it won't be titled "Welcome 2011".

This has been a hectic year.  We're expecting baby #5 and I'm overwhelmed to say the least.  I have a seemingly endless "to do" list right now.  Just a few things on the list are -- taking the passy away from Jude, potty training Jude, moving Jude to Lenna's room, fixing the baby room, organizing the study,  getting rid of some of my homeschooling supplies, selling our van, eventually unloading an attic's worth of unused baby clothing and the list goes on...   It  seems that I wake up every day with this list in the forefront of my mind.  Before I work myself into a panic, I try to remember to take small steps each day and it will all eventually get done.

So, in keeping with that theme, I will not give up completely on my blog (YET), but I will be taking small steps with it. . . so that means I'm going to have to live with the Christmas wallpaper and picture for now. . . but at least I have a new post :)

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer,
    This is beautiful! Thank you for the reminder!!
