Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thought I'd share my favorite websites for kids right now:

http://www.fun4thebrain.com/  Isaiah HATES substraction, but he will play the penguin math game all day long (and he's practicing subtraction for fun!)
http://www.starfall.com/ We've been using this since Isaiah was 4 and we all love it.  I like it because my 7 year old can read stories on it, my 5 year old can practice sounding out words and my 3 year old can learn her letters -- all on the same site.
www.sportsmansparadiseonline.com/Live_Owl_Nest_Box_Cam We've been following this live feed of a barn owl with her babies.  It's really neat!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hello Hurricane

I just have to share this song because I've been singing it in my head for several weeks now. The first time I really listened to the words was as I was running.  I'm usually a horrible runner and I've never really enjoyed it or even been able to do until recently.  Jason handed me his MP3 player with the new Switchfoot album on it.  When I heard this song, it made me feel like I could run forever and basically just take on the world.  It's a powerful reminder of how when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we can face anything -- that there is NOTHING stronger than God. 
Yesterday I felt like a failure when it came to parenting.  I was easily aggervated, easily angered, without patience, just ugly.  Today, I woke up singing this song and it  hit me that my "hurricane"  is right outside every morning when I wake up.  It's all those feelings of impatience, frustration, anger,and  discontentment that threaten to ruin my day at home with my children.
 I especially like the line, "... before I started building I counted up these costs."  Raising children to follow Christ is far from easy and the costs are high, but God has called me to motherhood and I chose to follow his calling so I am in this for the long haul.  And the only way I can do it is with His empowerment.
Anyway... here's my theme song ... hope you enjoy it!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Lenna has started doing some really cute things that I need write down so that I do not forget them.  So here goes:

The other morning while getting dressed, she insisted that her panties match her clothes

She likes to carry her purse, phone, and baby stroller with baby around the house -- talking on the phone as she pushes her baby

The other day, I heard her in her room singing our Sunday school songs (very loudly).  A few minutes later she came into the kitchen dragging her baby doll behind her -- not holding her, but sort of letting the doll "walk" behind her.  She told me she was the Sunday School teacher and she needed a Bible because it was now time for the story.

About a month ago, I had taken my 4 plus the little boy I keep into the grocery store.  As we were leaving, we saw a lady putting her cart away.  Lenna looked at me very seriously and said, "Mommy. . . look at that lady. . . Where are all her children?"  It cracked me up because she's so used to seeing me with a slew of children that I guess she thinks every woman should be followed by a group of little ones.

It is so sweet watching her play at being a grown up.  It is also very sobering as I realize the awesome responsibility of being a role model for my daughter.  It reminds me that I need to go to The Father on a daily basis with very specific prayers for my precious little girl.

Here is Lenna's life verse: 
"But the wisdom that comes from God is first of all pure, then peaceful, gentle and easy to please.  This wisdom is always ready to help those who are troubled and to do good for others.  It is always fair and honest. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness."
James 3:17-18