Monday, January 11, 2010

Birthdays and Birds

So. .  . I've not been keeping my promise to blog 3 or 4 times a week.  I thought about blogging many times this weekend, but just could not find the time.  This past week was super busy having another little one in the house. For homeschoo, we were studying birds, but since it was so cold , we couldn't actually see any birds.  We spent Thursday afternoon making pinecone bird feeders.   Add to that Lenna had her 3 year birthday and Jude turned 1.  I didn't throw parties for them because I'm doing one big party in February.  (All of my children's birthdays occur between January 8th and February 15th.)  Anyway,  Friday was Lenna's birthday and we let her pick her favorite meal for dinner (it was Pizza) and we made cupcakes.  Saturday was Jude's birthday and so we had cake again!  Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted all the pictures from their birthday dinners. That means no cute cake pictures.  Oh well, at least we get to relive the experience at the actual party!  I do, however, have lots of pictures of the bird feeders. . .

1 comment:

  1. What cute pinecone bird feeders! I just found your blog through an email Laura forwarded. I remember meeting you & your sweet kids several times at Laura's house. Congrats on your 4th baby, my 4th will be a year next month. How neat that all of your kids are born in Jan/Feb, but I am sure it makes for a busy start to the year! Bet you will have a wonderful BIG party for them all! Blessings!
