Thursday, November 11, 2010

Why I don't blog anymore (ha ha)

I was putting away dishes and noticed that Jude wasn't in the kitchen anymore.  I heard water running in the bathroom and found Jude had used the kids' step stool to hoist himself up into the sink where he turned the water on started to give himself a bath fully clothed.  Needless to say, he is keeping me very busy!

Add to that, in the past month, Lenna has cut her own hair and Jude's hair; scraped white insulation foam off of the storage door and pretended it was snowing;  used her toy box as a bathtub; and  smeared the contents of  2 large containers of Vaseline into the carpet.

Thankfully,  I can laugh at all of this (now).

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What Remains

I have had this poem taped to my fridge for years now.  It's from a Focus on the Family publication.
Every now and then I need to read it again!

What Remains
by Joanne Heim

If I spend my days building skyscrapers with LEGOs and creating relationships with other moms at Starbucks, but have not love, I am only the siren of of the kids' ride-on fire truck.
If I have the gift of knowing which child attempted to flush the Hot Wheels down the toilet and which one pushed her sister, and if I have faith that somehow we'll survive life's emergencies, but have not love, I am nothing.
If I save all my box tops for school and give outgrown clothing to the local shelter, and if I surrender my body to stretch marks and under-eye circles, but have not love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient when someone isn't ready to use the big-girl potty.  It is kind when my husband has a hard day.  It doesn't envy my neighbor who drives the new sport-utility vehicle I can't afford.
It is not rude, snapping at my spouse or children when things don't go my way.  It is not easily angered at perceived or real injustices.
It always protects the smallest, sweetest family confindences; always trusts God to provide for my children's needs; always hopes in the freshness of tomorrow and the bright future of family; always perseveres amid hardship and doubt.
Where there are sleepless nights, they shall end.  Where there are diapers, Little League, and dioramas built from shoe boxes, they will cease.  Where there is knowledge of baby-care trends, discipline strategies, and boy-girl problems, it will pass away.
Now these three remain: faith, lived out in my daily circumstances and instilled in my children; hope, of one day rejoicing with my family in heaven; and love, which covers a multitude of less-than-perfect moments.
But the greatest of these is love.  It is what remains. . . . long after I am gone.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


It seems that I'm always in a hurry when I'm posting on my blog . . . usually because it's during nap time. . . the time where my kids are resting and I am cooking supper, folding laundry, checking e-mails, paying bills, talking on the phone to the insurance company or the doctor's office, cleaning bathrooms, mopping floors, OR writing on my blog.  Anyway, I HATE making typos and it never fails, after I type the post, re-read it, and then post it, I read it again and find a typo.  I always go in and edit it.  Sometimes, I'll read a post that I wrote the day before, see a typo and go in and edit for the people who haven't read it yet.  (As if they care) Anyway, all this to say that I was looking at some old pictures on my blog today and reading through some of the posts when I discovered a typo from like 3 weeks ago and NOW I have to go edit it.  I really don't know what the point is.  Most people who are going to read the post have already done so, but it just bugs me that it's wrong.  So I'm off to edit my blog. . .

Sunday, April 25, 2010






Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Pictures

I choose to just laugh about these pictures.  I'd LOVE to get a picture of all my kids looking at the camera and smiling -- I know other families get this to happen -- I just haven't figured out how yet!
If you have followed my blog at all, you have heard me whine about this before. . .
So here are our lovely Easter pictures!

Keep in mind, these are not the ONLY pictures I got, these are the BEST -- how sad is that?
Look at me, please!!!
They're all looking!!! Palmer's helping a little too much though.
Okay, Mom I'm done... hold me now!
This one is cute
And this is my favorite.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thought I'd share my favorite websites for kids right now:  Isaiah HATES substraction, but he will play the penguin math game all day long (and he's practicing subtraction for fun!) We've been using this since Isaiah was 4 and we all love it.  I like it because my 7 year old can read stories on it, my 5 year old can practice sounding out words and my 3 year old can learn her letters -- all on the same site. We've been following this live feed of a barn owl with her babies.  It's really neat!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hello Hurricane

I just have to share this song because I've been singing it in my head for several weeks now. The first time I really listened to the words was as I was running.  I'm usually a horrible runner and I've never really enjoyed it or even been able to do until recently.  Jason handed me his MP3 player with the new Switchfoot album on it.  When I heard this song, it made me feel like I could run forever and basically just take on the world.  It's a powerful reminder of how when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we can face anything -- that there is NOTHING stronger than God. 
Yesterday I felt like a failure when it came to parenting.  I was easily aggervated, easily angered, without patience, just ugly.  Today, I woke up singing this song and it  hit me that my "hurricane"  is right outside every morning when I wake up.  It's all those feelings of impatience, frustration, anger,and  discontentment that threaten to ruin my day at home with my children.
 I especially like the line, "... before I started building I counted up these costs."  Raising children to follow Christ is far from easy and the costs are high, but God has called me to motherhood and I chose to follow his calling so I am in this for the long haul.  And the only way I can do it is with His empowerment.
Anyway... here's my theme song ... hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Lenna has started doing some really cute things that I need write down so that I do not forget them.  So here goes:

The other morning while getting dressed, she insisted that her panties match her clothes

She likes to carry her purse, phone, and baby stroller with baby around the house -- talking on the phone as she pushes her baby

The other day, I heard her in her room singing our Sunday school songs (very loudly).  A few minutes later she came into the kitchen dragging her baby doll behind her -- not holding her, but sort of letting the doll "walk" behind her.  She told me she was the Sunday School teacher and she needed a Bible because it was now time for the story.

About a month ago, I had taken my 4 plus the little boy I keep into the grocery store.  As we were leaving, we saw a lady putting her cart away.  Lenna looked at me very seriously and said, "Mommy. . . look at that lady. . . Where are all her children?"  It cracked me up because she's so used to seeing me with a slew of children that I guess she thinks every woman should be followed by a group of little ones.

It is so sweet watching her play at being a grown up.  It is also very sobering as I realize the awesome responsibility of being a role model for my daughter.  It reminds me that I need to go to The Father on a daily basis with very specific prayers for my precious little girl.

Here is Lenna's life verse: 
"But the wisdom that comes from God is first of all pure, then peaceful, gentle and easy to please.  This wisdom is always ready to help those who are troubled and to do good for others.  It is always fair and honest. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness."
James 3:17-18

Monday, February 22, 2010

Is it March yet???

I am ready for Spring!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Birthday and Snow!!!

Here are some belated snow pictures.

And . . .
Today was Isaiah's 7th birthday.  I cannot believe how big he is getting.  I'm always telling him to stop growing.  He always laughs. He has such a sweet spirit and is so eager to please his parents, his teachers, and God.

  I pray that the Lord will keep his heart tender and that he will always want to please Jesus.  I pray that he will not seek to please others of this world, but keep his focus on the only ONE who matters.  I pray the Lord's blessing and hand on my first born son.  Amen.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I've come to the conclusion that once a week is about as often as I can post.  I guess I was a bit over zealous when I thought I would write 3 times a week.
 Anyway, these past 2 weeks, I've been overwhelmed by the peace of Christ. And it is such a welcome change. This month -- actually this entire year -- has been REALLY stressful with homeschooling and managing all of the other responsibilities that come with being a wife and mother.  I have spent almost every day praying over my homeschooling decisions and second guessing everything about my parenting.  For a long time, my husband was the only one who I told about these struggles.  I think I was about to drive him crazy!  Finally, I broke down and started letting others know that I was really struggling.  I started with my family members and then asked my life group at church to pray and lastly shared with some other homeschooling moms.  Since I've opened up with people in my life and asked my sisters in Christ to pray for me, the difference has been AMAZING.  I cannot   begin to explain the change in my attitude, and my ability to organize, and change old habits.  I'm getting my kids to do things at home that I never thought were possible.  It is ALL God -- I can take NONE of the credit.  It's not perfect, but it's 100 times better than before. And for the first time in about a year, I'm starting to feel a peace again.  I have really missed that feeling.   I am so thankful to everyone who has prayed for me and given me advice. This post is not really about homeschooling, but about humbling myself and allowing God to use others to encourage, inspire, and help me.  I guess I'm not very good at that, I'm learning to be better.  I am so glad that our heavenly Father is so patient and faithful -- because I am a slow learner :)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Birthday #3

Last week we celebrated Palmer's 5th birthday. I cannot believe how the time has flown. When I think of all of my children (who are all unique in their own way), Palmer stands out as the one who breaks the mold. Even my pregnancy was different with him. I gained close to 30 lbs with all of my children -- except Palmer who only caused me to gain 18 lbs -- so of course I loved him right away for blessing his mama with such an easy pregnancy. My other three babies came late and had to be induced -- Palmer came on his own, 3 days early. All my others were 7+ pounds at birth -- Palmer was 9.3. My other three cried the first time I told them "NO" in my stern mommy voice -- Palmer just smiled at me while he continued to test the boundaries. My others didn't walk until after their 1st birthdays -- Palmer was the only one to walk before he turned one. He is my strong-willed, over the top, mischevious, cuddly, class clownish little boy. He is strong and passionate and full of love. I am so blessed to be his mother! I love you Peanut!

Palmer at 20 months - he climbed onto a stool and got into the pecan pie

He LOVES babies -- sometimes a little too much!

Palmer is usually the reason why we can't get a picture of all the kids together -- this is how he likes to pose

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Terrific Tuesday

Since I don't have any new pictures, I thought I'd make a list of what makes this Tuesday terrific . . .

-It's completely quiet in my house right now even though I have 5 kids here (Rest time)
-We ate lunch at CC so I didn't have to clean my kitchen after lunch today (It was my day to clean the gym, but somehow that seems easier than cleaning my own kitchen)
-The sun is shining and it's actually warm outside
-The Lord is control of my future so I don't have to stress about it (Although I usually do anyway)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Birthdays and Birds

So. .  . I've not been keeping my promise to blog 3 or 4 times a week.  I thought about blogging many times this weekend, but just could not find the time.  This past week was super busy having another little one in the house. For homeschoo, we were studying birds, but since it was so cold , we couldn't actually see any birds.  We spent Thursday afternoon making pinecone bird feeders.   Add to that Lenna had her 3 year birthday and Jude turned 1.  I didn't throw parties for them because I'm doing one big party in February.  (All of my children's birthdays occur between January 8th and February 15th.)  Anyway,  Friday was Lenna's birthday and we let her pick her favorite meal for dinner (it was Pizza) and we made cupcakes.  Saturday was Jude's birthday and so we had cake again!  Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted all the pictures from their birthday dinners. That means no cute cake pictures.  Oh well, at least we get to relive the experience at the actual party!  I do, however, have lots of pictures of the bird feeders. . .

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cooking for the week

This week has been really hectic with school starting back.  We started Classical Conversations again after a LONG break, I started keeping a toddler in my home full -time :)  and I've been keeping a baby part-time.  Add to this trying to get my older ones interested in their school work amidst all the distractions and it's kinda busy around here.  So. . . in order to simplify my life, I thought I would spend Sunday cooking for the week.  I made a few dishes and put them in the freezer and then prepared some meat to throw in the crock pot on some days.  Anyway, it has been awesome.  I'm gonna do it again this weekend.  In case anyone is interested, here are two REALLY easy crock pot entrees.

Crock Pot Pork Loin

Pork loin (Boston Butt) -- they were on sale for 1/2 off at Harris Teeter
1 coke

Trim the fat off the pork loin
Put in crock pot
Pour coke over meat
Cook on Low for 10 hours

Sounds weird, but it's really tender and has a great flavor

Rotissere Chicken in the Crock Pot

This idea came from the Year of Slow Cooking  blog -- I just changed it a little

Whole chicken
2 tbsp BBQ sauce
2 tspn salt
1/2  tspn pepper
1 tspn paprika
1 tspn onion powder
1/2 tspn thyme
1 tspn. italian seasoning

Skin chicken and take out inside parts
Rub bird with BBQ sauce
Mix spices and cover chicken with mixture -- both sides
Put chicken in oiled crock pot -- breast side down
Cook on low for 8 hours or  on high 4 hours

By the way, Aldi carries all types of spices for only $1.09 each -- the big sizes.  I was thrilled to find them because usually spices are sooo expensive.

If anyone has any other easy cooking ideas, please share.

Happy Wednesday!


Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Things I'm looking forward to in 2010

- Meeting my new niece Julia Monroe (her due date is 2-18 which is Jason's b'day)
- Seeing Jude learn to walk and talk (and watching his personality come out)
- Pulling off one birthday party for ALL 4 kids (I'm not sure how we're gonna do this)
- Going on dates with my husband (We got 3 gift certificates for dinner and baby sitting this Christmas)
- Watching Palmer as he learns to read
- Seeing Lenna become more and more girly (she's my only girl!!!!)
- Listening to Isaiah talk 
- Growing closer to my extended family
- Seeing all the miracles that God has in store for this year
- SUMMER (my favorite season)

Bye Bye Christmas

We have really enjoyed our Christmas break -- especially having Jason home!  We took our Christmas decorations down today, and it's always kind of sad. 
But here are a few of my favorite memories from the break. . .

- The candle light service at our church
- Riding through Fort Mill and playing the Christmas lights game
- The campout in our living room beside the Christmas tree
- Watching the kids open presents at my parents' house -- it was such chaos I just had to laugh
- Having  baby Jude crawling around and trying to eat all the wrapping paper and bows
- Spending girl time with Lenna and painting her nails for the 1st time
- Going on a date with my husband :)